Why I Budget For Self-Care

We all know the saying, “The best things in life are free.” However, I’ve come to the realization that there are some things that I spend money on to aid in self-care and I’m perfectly okay with that. I find it super important to set aside money for a “self-care” #treatyoself fund every month and quite honestly, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I’m a big advocate for self-care and no that doesn’t mean spending a ton of money to achieve that. For me, my self-care fund is used for many different things because self-care comes in a lot of different forms (and our needs change day to day). One week it might be spent on a latte or a new book (or audio book because they’re my new fav) and the next it could be spent on a therapy session.

Investing in yourself and mental well-being is crucial. I highly encourage everyone to take a moment to think about what self-care looks like for them and how they can budget and incorporate more of it in your life (whether that be budgeting your time or money).

Don’t forget to #treatyoself


Gee Nicolette

Published by geenicolette


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